Find Freedom Through Owning Your Divine Gifts

Elizabeth Locey, Ph.D., has been setting her clients free with generative answers and impeccable guidance since 2010.*

Go Straight to the Source: Akashic Records Offerings

Extended guidance

for business leaders  

Discover your Soul Truth:

Embody your Brilliance, and Glow 

*The first time she connected consciously to her Akashic Records, Elizabeth’s guides said: “You are a Truth Teller, with capital T’s. And when you sing your Truth Song, imprisoned angels are set free.”

Besides Oracle work, Elizabeth offers crystal wisdom, mentorship, and journeys through the Mystery, all in service to freedom and Love. You are invited to browse these pages to discover more. Her team is working to re-establish program pages for deep-dive mentorships, Divine Feminine 8-week adventures, masterclasses, and NEW membership offerings for all. Stay tuned!

Elizabeth Locey, Ph.D.:

Oracle. Magicienne. Crystal Wisdom-Keeper. Mystic Guide. Mythic Midwife. Priestess. Atlantean Accelerator. Fierce Advocate for the Feminine. Reality Weaver. Sacred Space Holder. Voice for the Divine. Dragon Rider. Star Gazer. Portal Opener. Love Warrior. Poet. Unrepentant Sensualist.

For over a dozen years I have been partnering with Akashic Records Guides, Divine Feminine energies, ritual, and the power of crystals to steer individuals and businesses past stubborn obstacles & limitations and into DELIGHT. Opening yourself to your sacred depths and the limitless nature of your Essence Self can unlock the joy, richness, nourishment, spaciousness, and self-validation you’ve been looking for. Yes, you could do it by yourself; I offer lots of free tools to help the solo traveler. But if you want clarity RIGHT NOW or would rather use the weeks, months, or years you could save in your own blossoming to help others on their journeys, I invite you to walk with me and let me be your guide.